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WWE @ Spox

Gründer: Biedel | Mitglieder: 355 | Beiträge: 118
30.01.2012 um 22:51 Uhr
Geschrieben von Rodnox
Handing in my Application !
This goes out to the WWE board.

The Rumble is over and we should be stunned.

But we aren't. We're upset. And the more I think about it, this was probably the plan. Just as after the 24 hour title reign of Christian. Boy, we've been up the walls.

But than again, everything yesterday evening seemed so off guard. The location, the card, the Superstars involved. I mean who the hell came up with St. Louis? REALLY?! REALLY?! It's the 25th Anniversary!!!!!!!!

There is only a hand full of locations for that. Vegas, New York or L.A. maybe. But St. Louis? Why? The crowd was as cheerful as a parents audience at a 5 year old hockey game.

What did you expect?

But in all fairness, when the surprise was big enough, even those valium like people of St. Louis managed to get their voice up. Ricardo as del Rio substitute. AWESOME!

This show should have been pumped with surprises and pops the world has never, E E E EVER seen before. Nash was a great surprise last year. Cenas return a couple of years ago was a great surprise.

And this year? Nothing. When Ricardo Rodriguez is the biggest surprise, that you could have come up with, it's time to fire a couple of writers!

I mean, Road Dogg Jesse James was fantastic. But how much better would it have been, if the next entrant would have been Billy Gunn? How big would the stadium have gone, if the two of them, would have rocked the stage?

But no, James was eliminated within seconds and the rubbish went on.

Where were the big guys? Big Show? TELL ME HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT?! .... Show is great. Really, a terrific performer. But in the current story lines? ...... not a Number 30!

Number 30 is either a big pop or a competition to an overtaking force. If Kane or Henry would have been cleaning the ring before, Show would have worked. But not with a hand full of over-average guys, that struggle to fill the foot steps of Austin, Rock and HBK.

Speaking of Kane. Why was he not in? He holds the elimination record. He made Rumble history. Why is he not in the Anniversary episode? Where's Nash gone to? Why didn't the Funkosaurus get a chance to shine? Mason Ryan? Isn't Skip Sheffield up again? After all, since the Rumble is the road to Wrestlemania, I was at least hoping for an appearance of the Rock.

Lesnar is available for one night surely. Or even Goldberg. Make the Show a Seller.

If you can't get enough great Superstars from the current rosters, stuff the Rumble with classics. I would have enjoyed a 2 Min appearance of Tatanka much more than 10 Minutes Jack Swagger. A short appearance of Papa Shango would have rocked me more that endless boring crap from Khali.

Okay, granted. Kharma was a huge surprise. But why didn't she even get 2 Minutes to show what she can do? It almost seemed, that the event was rushed down. "Quick, we need to get it over": ... christ, enjoy yourself a bit.

Celebrate the 25th episode.

Jericho ... I don't know what to say. Maybe: BOOOOORINNNNGGG!

The kid has no flair, no charisma and no style. He is as entertaining as a cold stone at the pier. For a company that represents Entertainment, a very lame excuse for a return.

Even if that is still the build up for a bigger story. The lost opportunity at the Rumble will forever have an after-taste.

Talking about opportunity. Getting the people excited should be the main goal. And what excites? Unpredictable events!

Last years Rumble contained 40 Superstars. And it was a success! I honestly expected this years Rumble to top that! But it was only announced with 30 players ????

Well ... what if after Number 30 there would have been another countdown? Completely unexpected! Let the show go on ... the crowd would have exploded. 50 Wrestler! why not?

Bring in 2 at the time. A two sided entrance would have been awesome. Even little surprises would have been recognised.

Bring in the two-lives rule. Every Superstar, that makes another one tap out during the Rumble, earns the right to get back in the ring after he has been eliminated.

Personally I would have chosen a Championship-Rumble. All Champs have to take part and the winner takes it all. Imagine Sheamus being the WWE-Champ, World Heavyweight Champion and US Champion now.

WOW! And how does that work at WM? Well, Sheamus would have to defend three times on one Evening. Probably losing two titles.

Bring in Guest Writers, instead of Guest Hosts. Get the Fans involved. Get brainstormed, invent new type of matches. Look at the history, see what went off screen over the years, reanimate it and bring it to a new level.

Can't be that difficult.

And don't tell me that all costs too much. Look at the after-sales of this PPV. I bet Vince is puking into his Limousine right now, realising, that sales have gone below the belt-line.

I sincerely hope that Wrestlemania makes us all forget about this years Rumble. I hope the writers find some inspiration. If not, you could also hire me.

I'm not the greatest writer ever, but THIS? Any half passionated WWE Fan could have made the Rumble better than this.

Nearly dying in hope and giving up:

Aufrufe: 1724 | Kommentare: 16 | Bewertungen: 3 | Erstellt:30.01.2012
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31.01.2012 | 11:36 Uhr
Zyrock : 
31.01.2012 | 11:36 Uhr
Zyrock : 
Kleine Anmerkung noch:

es gab mal eine Promotion, die alle Storylines abgebrochen oder kurzfristig immer wieder umgeworfen hat, um möglichst überraschend zu sein. Da gab es auch mal einen Typen, der ein Squash-Match nach dem anderen gewonnen hat und Titelmatches die kürzer waren als die Entrances. Und es gab andere Typen, die in der Exekutivebene was zu sagen hatten und sich selbst immer in wichtige Matches und SLs gebookt haben, aber nie schlecht dabei aussehen wollten. Es gab sogar mal den groß angekündigten Auftritt eines großen Stars, den man dann aber nicht vernünftig einsetzen konnte. Man hatte sich darauf verlassen, dass seine Präsenz allein ausreicht um das Publikum zu unterhalten.

Das könnte ich beliebig fortsetzen, die Parallelen zwischen dem Anfang vom Ende der WCW und der aktuellen WWE sind offensichtlich.
31.01.2012 | 11:14 Uhr
Streicher : 
31.01.2012 | 11:14 Uhr
Streicher : 
Da gebe ich Zyrock recht! Ich habe nichts gegen Sheamus oder seinen Sieg beim Rumble. Nur hat man deswegen alles über den Haufen geworfen...abgesehen davon war der Rumble wirklich schlecht. Allein schon die Teilnehmer...alle drei Kommentatoren!? Really? Really!? REALLY!?!
31.01.2012 | 11:10 Uhr
Zyrock : 
31.01.2012 | 11:10 Uhr
Zyrock : 
"Getting the people excited should be the main goal. And what excites? Unpredictable events!"

Das und nichts anderes hat dafür gesorgt, dass man das Jericho-Comeback versaut hat. Sheamus hat den Rumble nur gewonnen, damit die Fans überrascht werden. Und das ist die eigentliche Katastrophe. Eine grandiose Storyline, deren Ausgang ich (selbstverschuldet, weil ich Spoiler lese) Wochen im Voraus kenne ist mir lieber als 10 abgebrochene Storylines, nur um eine Überraschung einzubauen mit der niemand gerechnet hat, weil sie keinen Sinn macht.
31.01.2012 | 09:27 Uhr
Plue : 
31.01.2012 | 09:27 Uhr
Plue : 
True Story -_-
31.01.2012 | 08:06 Uhr
Streicher : 
31.01.2012 | 08:06 Uhr
Streicher : 
Rumble war echt richtig mies...
30.01.2012 | 23:52 Uhr
YM89 : 
30.01.2012 | 23:52 Uhr
YM89 : 
So true. Gutes English btw.
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